Thank you for your interest! Your support and effort is the backbone of this event!
Please keep in mind the following guidelines that we are asking our staff and volunteers to adhere to when representing the Poway Rotary Parade.
NOTE: If you are under 18, review this document with your parents before you sign it.
- Shifts are assigned on a first come basis. Be on time, even arriving 15-20 minutes before your designated time. Check in and get your assignment for the day. Be sure to sign in and sign out so that we can keep track of your volunteer hours. Primary shift is for duration of the parade – from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Check in is at 8:00am.
- Submit application below or email
- By participating, you understand that at this event or related activities, you may be photographed or video recorded and you agree to allow photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose, especially marketing, by the event holders, producers, or organizers.
- Remember to use appropriate language when you are promoting the Poways Days Parade.
- Dress appropriately for any event you may be working to promote Poway Days Parade. As much as possible, wear comfortable shoes and slather a lot of sunscreen on because it is more than likely that you will be standing and/or walking for lengthy periods of time under the sun.
- Be alert and actively engaged in your task while you are volunteering. There will be people monitoring the volunteers at the event.
- If you have signed up to volunteer and are unable to make it, please email us at, as soon as you know.
Questions about volunteering?